Cabbage for Those Who Dislike Cabbage Recipe - (2024)

After trying coleslaw once, I thought I would hate cabbage for life. Right now, I'm on a fat-flush diet (for the first time in my life). At first, I was disappointed to find that cabbage is high on the list of items to eat to attack belly fat. And THEN I found a Chinese Egg Rolls recipe (I used turkey meat) and now THIS recipe. My mouth was watering before this recipe finished cooking!I followed the recipe, except no salt, and then made some substitutions and additions, for personal taste. First, I took another reviewer's advice and added a whole yellow onion, thinly sliced. I had part of a cole-slaw package leftover from the egg rolls that I used with a whole head of shredded green cabbage. I substituted olive oil for the canola, and ended up with about 1/4 cup olive oil, couldn't resist a second tbsp of butter, and 4-5 cloves of garlic in the pan. I also substituted Balsamic Vinegar for the red wine vinegar. I usually use a lot of spices, but on a whim, I was generous with Greek Seasoning as the only seasoning. Also, personally, I like my food spicy, so I added some thin slices of yellow hot peppers. Finally, I didn't want the package of crab meat I had on hand to go to waste, so in the last 2 or 3 minutes of cooking, added that, too. (I threw in the hot peppers at the same time as the crab.) Once the crab and peppers were thrown in, I added a small splash of lemon juice in the last minute of cooking.I could hardly wait to eat by the time this was ready. I ate 2 servings of this with half a serving of Turkey Cutlets With Balsamic-Brown Sugar Sauce. I was in absolute heaven. Could have had an org*sm. lol Thanks, Lennie, for this recipe! My diet is now something I am really really enjoying!! (Imagine that.)

Cabbage for Those Who Dislike Cabbage Recipe  - (2024)
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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.