Chicken Wellington - Puff Pastry (2024)

Chicken Wellington - Puff Pastry (1)

Chicken Wellington

A variation of the classic beef Wellington, this stunning entrée stars boneless chicken breasts topped with a mushroom-onion mix and wrapped in tender puff pastry.

  • thaw: 40 minutes
  • prep: 20 minutes
  • cook: 15 minutes
  • bake: 25 minutes
  • chill: 15 minutes
  • total: 35 minutes
  • Serves: 4

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  • 1 egg

  • 1 tablespoon water

  • 1 1/4 pound skinless, boneless chicken breast halves(4 breast halves)

  • 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme, crushed

  • 1/7 teaspoon black pepper

  • 2 tablespoons butter

  • 2 1/4 ounces sliced mushrooms, (about 3/4 cup)

  • 1 medium onion, finely chopped (about 1/2 cup)

  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley

  • 1/3 of an 8-ounce package cream cheese, softened

  • 1 tablespoon Dijon-style mustard or all-purpose flour

  • 1/2 of a 17.3-ounce package Pepperidge Farm® Puff Pastry Sheets(1 sheet), thawed


  1. Heat the oven to 400°F. Beat the egg and water in a small bowl with a fork.

  2. Season the chicken with thethyme and blackpepper. Heat 1 tablespoon butter in a 10-inch skillet over medium-high heat. Add the chicken and cook for 10 minutes or until well browned on both sides. Remove the chicken from the skillet. Cover and refrigerate for 15 minutes.

  3. Heat the remaining butter in the skillet. Add themushrooms and onion and cook until they're tender and the liquid is evaporated, stirring occasionally. Stir in the parsley.

  4. Stir the cream cheese and mustard in a small bowl.

  5. Sprinkle the work surface with the flour. Unfold the pastry on the work surface. Roll the pastry sheetinto a 14-inch square.Cut into 4 (7-inch) squares.

  6. Spoon about 1 tablespoon mushroom mixture on each square. Top with thechicken. Spread about1 tablespoon cream cheese mixture on the chicken. Brush the edges of thepastry with the egg mixture. Foldthe corners of the pastries up over the chicken and press to seal. Place the pastries seam-side down onto abaking sheet. Brush with the egg mixture.

  7. Bake for 25 minutes or until the pastries are golden brown.

  8. Ingredient Note: We develop our recipes using a 4-to 5-ounce skinless, boneless chicken breast half per serving. However, there are a range of sizes available in-store, from the butcher counter to the meat case and the freezer section. Use whichever you prefer- just follow the recipe as written above for the best result. If you're using larger chicken breasts they may require a little longer cooking time.

Chicken Wellington - Puff Pastry (2)

Watch a how-to demonstration of this recipe technique.

Watch the demo to see how to make this type of recipe, then consult your recipe for specific instructions.

Puff Pastry works best when cold. So chill your tools—knife, pastry/pizza cutter, cookie cutters, even pastry board and baking pans in the fridge - while thawing your pastry.

Always flip and place the cut side of the Puff Pastry down on the baking sheet.

  • How-To Video

  • Slideshow

    Chicken Wellington - Puff Pastry (3)

    Chicken Wellington - Puff Pastry (4)

    Chicken Wellington - Puff Pastry (5)

    Chicken Wellington - Puff Pastry (6)

    Chicken Wellington - Puff Pastry (7)

    Chicken Wellington - Puff Pastry (8)

    Chicken Wellington - Puff Pastry (9)

    Chicken Wellington - Puff Pastry (10)

    Chicken Wellington - Puff Pastry (11)

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Chicken Wellington - Puff Pastry (2024)


What is chicken wellington made of? ›

A variation of the classic beef Wellington, this stunning entrée stars boneless chicken breasts topped with a mushroom-onion mix and wrapped in tender puff pastry.

Can I use pie crust instead of puff pastry for beef wellington? ›

Use a rolling pin to roll out a pie crust on a lightly floured surface. Place one of your beef filets in the middle of the pie crust. Put half of the mushroom pate on top of the filet and top with one of your spare mushroom caps.

What temperature do you bake puff pastry? ›

About halfway through baking, peek into the oven to see how the pastry is baking. Always bake Puff Pastry Shells in a preheated 425° F oven. Bake Puff Pastry Cups in a preheated 400° F oven for 20 minutes. Do not bake either Shells or Cups in a microwave or toaster oven.

What is the best cut of meat for Wellington? ›

Beef Wellington is a nice cut of meat, usually a fillet steak, beef tenderloin, or filet mignon. It uses the center-cut portion of the meat that is known to be the most tender and juicy part of the cow. The meat is wrapped in a mustard sauce, then a mushroom duxelles and prosciutto.

What makes a Wellington a Wellington? ›

The term “Wellington,” in the kitchen, usually refers to beef Wellington, a dish where meat is coated in pâté and/or duxelles (a mixture of herby, finely chopped mushrooms) and then wrapped in a pastry crust. The pastry can be made in a large size, then sliced for individual servings, or made as individual portions.

Is phyllo or puff pastry better for Wellington? ›

For best results, use a high-quality all-butter puff pastry, such as Dufour.

What is the best substitute for puff pastry? ›

Like puff pastry, phyllo is used for both sweet and savory dishes. Perhaps the most famous dish made with phyllo is spanakopita or the famed baklava found in Greece, Turkey, and other Middle Eastern countries.

Are crescent rolls puff pastry? ›

The crescent-shaped croissant is a flaky pastry with buttery layers whereas a puff pastry is a drier composition of dough. Both use similar ingredients and preparation work.

Do I need to cook puff pastry before adding filling? ›

Do I need to blind bake pastry cases when cooking with wet fillings? As a general rule, you do need to blind bake when cooking a dish with wet fillings. For example, if you're making a quiche or frangipane, blind baking the crust first will help ensure the pastry case stays buttery and retains its crunch.

Do you poke holes in puff pastry? ›

Recipe Notes

If you don't want the pastry to puff so dramatically, prick the dough all over with a fork (just like docking a pie crust). After baking, the pastry will be cracker-thin and shatteringly crisp.

Should you egg wash puff pastry? ›

You can brush an egg-wash glaze (1 egg plus 1 tsp. water) over the Puff Pastry to create a rich, golden sheen when baked. Use an egg wash to help seal filled pastries and connect Puff Pastry pieces: mix 1 egg plus 1 tsp. water, brush between layers, then pinch or press together.

What makes it Wellington? ›

Beef Wellington is a steak dish of English origin, made out of fillet steak coated with pâté (often pâté de foie gras) and duxelles, wrapped in puff pastry, then baked. Some recipes include wrapping the coated meat in a crêpe or dry-cured ham to retain the moisture and prevent it from making the pastry soggy.

Why is the dish called Wellington? ›

It is generally agreed that the dish was created in celebration of the first Duke of Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, and his victory at the Battle of Waterloo on June 18 1815. The Duke was given his title after defeating Napoleon Bonaparte the year before, and not long after he became Prime Minister.

Why is beef Wellington so expensive? ›

But on top of its tedious cooking process, beef Wellington is also expensive. The dish typically calls for beef tenderloin, the tender cut of beef that filet mignon comes from, in addition to pricey prosciutto. With these high-priced meats, beef Wellington isn't exactly budget-friendly.

Why is beef Wellington so special? ›

It Consistently Combines Multiple Ingredients

For example, it's quite common to wrap the pâté and duxelles coated steak with parma ham to retain the meat's inner moisture. What's more striking is that all these ingredients combine in every slice and bite of beef wellington.

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