Greek Lemon Potatoes Recipe (2024)

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Swiss Meringue

This recipe seemed familiar to me, like I had seen it before under a different name. Then I made it and realized, it was "Satan's Recipe for Burnt Potatoes and Ruined Sheet Pans." Proceed with caution. The high oven heat and long cooking time evaporates the liquid (for what it's worth, my sheet pan had no problem containing the potatoes and liquid, so don't worry about that - you have bigger problems here) and the sugars from the lemon juice scorch and burn. Use a lower temp, and watch closely.


This is a new favorite. I make it as written. Yes the stock is essential and yes you can substitute vegetable stock and make this vegan. Everyone I serve it to asks for the recipe. I just read all the “helpful” comments and am surprised to see so much concern over the mess. It is totally worth the five minutes it takes to scrub the pan. Just let it soak first. Besides, it’s a sheet pan, not a bed sheet. It’s supposed to look like it’s been used.


Frankly, this recipe works even better to simply toss the potatoes in the lemon juice and olive oil, add the seasonings, and roast on a baking sheet. Skip the stock altogether. The stock doesn't add all that much flavor anyway.


You can use a casserole dish, but the potatoes may not get as browned. A half baking sheet can fit 1.5 cups of liquid; to make the sheet sturdier for moving to the oven, stack two baking sheets.


Toss everything in a large bowl then transfer to the sheet pan for less mess. Add a tablespoon of flour to the mix for crispier potatoes.


Better effect if potatoes par boiled in a stock / white wine / garlic mixture, drizzled in olive oil, allowed to cool then fast roasted at 220C until crisp. Chopped fresh Rosemary, Sage or Oregano added during roasting .


.5 olive oil.5 chicken stock.5 lemon juice1.5cups liquid That’s needs a roasting tin not a rimmed baking sheet.


Love the "Satan's Recipe." I laughed out loud!!! Seriously, the best suggestions are to toss the potatoes in the seasonings then bake.


I just made this in two Pyrex casserole dishes, and it came out beautifully.

Dan J

Add a slight sprinkling of corn starch to the potatoes once in the pan. Guaranteed crispness!


Amatuer question here- pouring a cup and a half of just free liquid into a rimmed baking sheets seems like a bold move, especially since my pan tends to warp past 425. Would it be ok to combine ingredients and toss in a large bowl instead? I'm assuming all that liquid is to keep everything moist during that long roast at high temp, but it sounds like a mess waiting to happen.

Dan G.

Just use a shallow roasting pan. Or get better baking sheet. Go to your favorite online store and look for "Aluminum Commercial Baker's Half Sheet". They are inexpensive, do not warp, and will likely outlive you (unless you are very very young!)


I lined my baking pan with foil, tossed the potatoes/liquid in a bowl, and then followed the recipe as written. I thought it was simple, lovely, and easy. Will make again.


I spent two years finding the perfect potato recipe.This. Is. It.


I wonder what life is like for people who are so fearful of a cup of liquid. I just tossed all the ingredients, as stated above (I had about a half cup of beef stock open, so I used that), in my air fryer, and they were perfection—everyone raved.


For baby potatoes, less time about 45min. Or lower temp to 400

Beth G

I have baby yukon golds-- do I have to peel them? Cooking Easter dinner for 12 tomorrow.


I know it's too late, Beth G., but I rarely peel my potatoes—I just clean them well. I hope you had a lovely Easter dinner!


Excellent beyond words. I like using Better Than Bouillon to kick up the flavor a bit. Don’t skip on the oregano! And add some lemon zest for a final touch


I made this using much less oil, and in a Pyrex glass casserole dish. By the halfway mark, the liquid was close to gone, so I flipped the potatoes and cooked ten more minutes. Tasted great. Next time I will add some flour as suggested by other comments.


1/2 cup chicken broth1/4 cup oil1/4 cup lemon juice


I'm Greek. Never in my 80 years have I been in a Greek home kitchen and seen potatoes cooked like this. All wrong.


Add sliced spent lemons and roast too


the comments had me cackling, 5/5 stars. i tossed in a bowl for even coating, but the potatoes stick by the time i was flipping halfway through. the crispy bottoms were tearing off, it didn't bode well but it was too the end, mine are MUCH darker than the pics... and yet, still beautiful results. rendered crisp bite outer + pillows of potato fluff in the centers. will make again + try to alleviate the stick somehow. (either way, it's worth having to scrub satan's pan.)


i used parchment paper on my baking sheet - turned out great and no mess to clean up.


This is very similar to a recipe in a Moosewood cookbook, based on potatoes served at Zorba's, in Ithaca. I've been making it for over thirty years, baking it in a large Corningware casserole, and have gotten many compliments and requests for the recipe. A casserole works fine and you don't have to worry about spills.

RB’s notes

Not pleased with this recipe. The broth/lemon combo was wayyyy too liquid; I omitted it from the roasting part. And yes, I agree the burnage is a real thing with this recipe. I might make this again but I would divide the chicken broth by 4, and completely omit the lemon juice until after the potatoes are fully roasted. Then I’d squeeze lemon juice on the cooked potatoes at serving.


My new favorite - so easy! I lined the sheet pan with parchment and clean up was a breeze.


Has anyone tried putting a sheet of parchment on the sheet pan before adding the ingredients to simplify clean up? I am making this recipe tonight.


Update: I used a sheet of parchment paper on the sheet pan and it turned out great. This is our new go-to potato recipe - so easy.


Jake and I loved them, boys liked the consistency but not the lemon flavor. Excellent as leftovers too.


I made these exactly as written and they were delicious. It's not difficult to clean the pan afterward. Follow the recipe and enjoy!

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Greek Lemon Potatoes Recipe (2024)
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