How to prepare and test your steamed pudding (2024)

This sweet, spicy pudding is a delight not to be missed. Follow these cooking tips for perfect pudding results.

Tip 1:

To allow enough room for the pudding to expand while it’s cooking, it’s important that you make a pleat in the centre of the paper and the foil.

How to prepare and test your steamed pudding (1)

Tip 2:

To prevent water from getting into the mixture, which would make the pudding soggy, make sure you secure the foil with string and fold the foil back over the string.

Tip 3:

To support the weight of the pudding, make sure you secure the kitchen string tightly to both sides of the basin when you’re making the handle.

Tip 4:

To test if the pudding’s cooked, pierce the foil and paper with a skewer and wiggle it to make the hole bigger, or it will be wiped clean of any mixture when you pull it out.


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How to prepare and test your steamed pudding (2024)
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