Sweet potato is a modified (2024)


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Storage Roots

Sweet potato ...


adventitious root

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The correct option is B adventitious root
Root and stem are the plant parts that arise from radicle and plumule of the germinating seed. Root generally grows towards the soil and stem grows away from the ground. In some plants, roots or the stem may get variously modified to meet certain requirements.

Sweet potato is an example of modified root. The edible part of sweet potato is a modified adventitious root that stores food. Adventitious roots are the roots that grow from parts other than the radicle. Tap root is a direct elongation of the radicle. Rhizome is a modified stem which stores food.

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Sweet potato is a modified (2024)


Sweet potato is a modified? ›

Sweet potato is an example of modified root. The edible part of sweet potato is a modified adventitious root that stores food. Adventitious roots are the roots that grow from parts other than the radicle.

Is sweet potato a modified answer? ›

Sweet potato is a modified adventitious root. Adventitious roots are those that form at certain locations along the stem. The roots are typically thought to have significantly less diversity in their internal structure than the stems. Sweet potato is a resurrected adversity root.

What is the modified form of potato? ›

The potato tuber has been modified and the edible part of the potato. It is the modified stem. They are modified to perform a variety of functions such as food storage, penetration organs, etc. Tuber, bulb, corm, stolon, and rhizome are all stem modifications.

Is sweet potato a taproot or adventitious root? ›

Sweet potato is a dicot plant from the family Convolvulaceae. It is an example of an adventitious root and is a modified form of tuberous roots.

Why is potato modified? ›

A genetically modified potato is a potato that has had its genes modified, using genetic engineering. Goals of modification include introducing pest resistance, tweaking the amounts of certain chemicals produced by the plant, and to prevent browning or bruising of the tubers.

What is modified in sweet potato? ›

Sweet potato is an example of modified root. The edible part of sweet potato is a modified adventitious root that stores food. Adventitious roots are the roots that grow from parts other than the radicle. Tap root is a direct elongation of the radicle.

Is sweet potato Genetically Modified? ›

Sweet potato is one of the most important food crops for human consumption in the world. Because of the presence of this "foreign" DNA, sweet potato can be seen as a "natural GMO," the researchers say. Sweet potatoes from all over the world naturally contain genes from the bacterium Agrobacterium.

Is sweet potato reproduces by modified underground stem True or false? ›

Sweet potato is a type of storage root that has been modified. Potato, on the other hand, is a stem that grows from underground stems. Stolons are the name given to these underground stems. The roots of sweet potatoes are modified in order to store food.

Is a sweet potato a true root? ›

Unlike the potato, which is a tuber, or thickened stem, the sweetpotato that we eat is the storage root of the plant; an enlarged lateral root. The plant reproduces in three ways: from seed, from the actual storage roots, or from the plant vines. Sweetpotato is cultivated by vegetative propagation.

What type of root system does a sweet potato have? ›

The sweetpotato root system consists of fibrous roots that absorb nutrients and water, and anchor the plant, and storage roots that are lateral roots which store photosynthetic products.

Which is a modified root? ›

Carrot is a modified root. Plants store their food in these modified roots. Potato and ginger are modified stem.

Is potato a modification of true or false? ›

The correct answer is Stem. The potato is an example of a modified plant structure known as a tuber. Tubers are thickened parts of the stem that are modified to store nutrients, predominantly starch, and the stored food in tubers provides reserve food for the plant's use.

Is modified potato starch genetically modified? ›

No. Modified Starches are not genetically modified. Modified starches are produced from the same primarily EU-grown non-GMO agricultural raw materials - such as wheat, maize, or starch potatoes - as native starches or any other starch-based ingredient.

Are the eyes of potatoes modified? ›

In potatoes, each eye represents a node in the stem as the potatoes are modified stems. New stems are developed from these eyes because these are axillary buds and capable of giving rise to new branches. The terminal bud is another name often used to represent these buds.

Are potatoes and onions modified? ›

Stems are modified to perform different functions like storing food, photosynthesis, support, etc. Potatoes form tubers and onions form bulbs, which are a type of modified stem. These plants can reproduce through tubers and bulbs under favourable conditions.

What is a sweet potato hom*ologous to? ›

Since both turnip and sweet potato have the same origin thus, it can be said that they are hom*ologous to one another.

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