Which High School Classes Do Ivy League Schools Require? (2024)

Which High School Classes Do Ivy League Schools Require? (1)

College admissions can seem like a giant puzzle, especially if you're hoping to attend an Ivy League or other extremely selective school. Planning your high school schedule carefully is definitely important, but these schools' expectations aren't as inflexible as you might think they are.

In this article, I'll provide a concise overview of what Ivy League admission requirements are for high school transcripts and give you some tips on how to map out your classes so you have an excellent shot at being accepted.

What Are Ivy League Schools Looking For in Your Transcript?

Ivy League schools want to see students who have consistently challenged themselves throughout high school by taking progressively more advanced courses and earning high grades.

Here are a few examples of Ivy League admission requirements from the school websites so you can see exactly what they say about their expectations for applicants' transcripts. All bold emphasis is mine.


"The single most important document in your application is your high school transcript, which tells us a great deal about your academic drive and performance over time."

"We look for students who have consistently taken a broad range of challenging courses in high school and have done well. "


"The admissions process at Columbia is a holistic one, which means that every part of the application matters to help inform our judgment...We read personal statements to try to understand each candidate and what motivates them. We read teacher recommendations carefully to understand a candidate's contributions in the classroom and what that candidate might offer their Columbia classmates."


"An applicant is expected to have pursued the most demanding curriculum offered by the high school(s) attended."

We recommend a course of study that includes a minimum of:

  • English: 4 years with a preference for writing-intensive literature courses
  • Mathematics: 4 years, through calculus for students interested in engineering and the STEM disciplines
  • History and social science: 3 years
  • Science: 3 years of laboratory science with 4 years including physics for students considering engineering
  • Foreign language: 3 years of a single language (ancient or modern) with 4 preferred

Based on these statements, you can expect a comprehensive review of your application by admissions officers at Ivy League schools, with an eye toward overall course rigor combined with impressive grades.

If you're taking the most challenging courses available at your high school and earning high grades, you're on your way to a strong application. In the next section, I'll talk more specifically about which classes you should take if you're hoping to attend an Ivy League school.

Which High School Classes Do Ivy League Schools Require? (2)Start strong and stay on track. Keep running in circles until you realize that you have homework to do and this was just a metaphor.

Which Classes Should You Actually Take?

If you want to get into an Ivy League school, you'll need to take the highest-level classes that are available to you (usually Honors and IB or AP courses) in most subjects. These schools expect you to challenge yourself more and more throughout high school and earn high grades up through your senior year.

That being said, you don't have to go crazy with a million APs senior year to show how much you've grown. If you have a strong interest in math and science, for example, and aren't such a fan of English and foreign languages, you might be able to get by without taking the most difficult classes in your weaker subject areas.

As long as you show that you're an extremely strong student in your specific area of interest (and have relevant extracurricular achievements to back it up), you'll have a solid chance at getting into the Ivy League colleges.

We saw in the section above that Dartmouth generally prefers applicants to have taken four classes in each core subject, which isn't too out of the ordinary. To give an even less demanding example of curriculum requirements for applicants, Princeton expects students to take four years of math (with calculus for students interested in engineering), English, and a foreign language, and at least two years each of history and lab science. This is a perfectly reasonable expectation for almost any high school student.

The mentality of "the more classes the better" can be very harmful. Don't overload yourself with extra courses in which you could end up dropping the ball. A failing grade is not something you want on your transcript, no matter how many hard classes you take!

If you're looking to fill out your schedule beyond the core curriculum, decide which subject areas are of special interest to you, and then take the most challenging classes or electives available in those areas.

Which High School Classes Do Ivy League Schools Require? (3)Don't put yourself in a situation in which you're doing the academic equivalent of one-handed, no-legged (?) push-ups and trying desperately not to fumble.

I'll give you a sample of what your core course record might look like in high school if you're hoping to attend an Ivy League school. This isn't the be-all and end-all of schedules, so don't feel as though you have to copy it. It's just helpful to see everything laid out!

Freshman Year

  • Honors French 2
  • Honors Geometry
  • Honors English
  • Honors World History
  • Honors Science and Engineering

Sophom*ore Year

  • Honors French 3
  • Honors Algebra 2
  • Honors English
  • AP US History
  • AP Biology

Junior Year

  • Honors French 4
  • Honors Pre-Calculus
  • Honors English
  • AP Government
  • AP Chemistry

Senior Year

  • AP French
  • AP Calculus
  • AP Literature
  • AP Psychology
  • Honors Physics

I modeled this loosely after my own high school schedule (which I can verify did get me into Dartmouth), and as you can see, it's not an insane number of classes.

Keep in mind that this is just a sample. Your school might offer more or fewer AP classes, or structure course tracks differently.

For example, some schools have AP World History or Economics classes, which were not an option at my high school. Other schools might offer only a few AP classes or none at all, in which case you'd just take all Honors classes (or IB classes, if that's an option). Colleges are aware of these limitations and will take them into account when reviewing your application.

If you're an advanced student, you might finish the course track at your high school for a subject before your senior year. This happens especially with math and language classes.

If you're done with AP Calculus after your sophom*ore or junior year, don't worry about being penalized if you decide not to take another math class in high school; you've already reached the level in math that Ivy League schools expect from most students. In this case, you might double up on science classes or classes in other academic areas that interest you during your last one or two years of high school.

Try to maintain a relatively even balance of courses in different core subject areas as a baseline, while also taking care to emphasize your strengths.

Not too interested in languages but love social studies classes? Even if you haven't finished the entire language course track, you can make the choice to take two social studies classes and lose the language. This shouldn't hurt your chances as long as you've taken a language for three years already and are enrolled in the most challenging social studies classes available to you.

Make your passions apparent so your transcript gives colleges a sense of the unique qualities you'll bring to the school.

Which High School Classes Do Ivy League Schools Require? (4)If you don't like studying languages, this might as well read, "Welcome ... to your nightmares (a sus pesadillas)!"

What's More Important: Good Grades or Course Difficulty?

Overall, selective colleges value a rigorous course load over perfect grades. An Ivy League school might accept a student who had all As and one or two Bs in the highest-level classes, but it probably wouldn't accept a student who had flawless grades in all mid- or low-level classes.

These schools are looking for students who are up for an intellectual challenge and genuinely enjoy learning. If you're in lower-level classes and earning straight As, you might not be challenging yourself enough. Taking the easy route to a good grade won't win you any points on your application.

On the flip side, be careful about enrolling in a course schedule that's too intense for you. If your schedule becomes overwhelming, you might end up tanking your GPA (and your mental health!).

It's a delicate balance to strike between earning high grades and taking hard classes. Just know that you don't have to take eight AP classes your senior year to get into an Ivy League school.

Which High School Classes Do Ivy League Schools Require? (5)If your schedule gets too intense, your hair could start turning gray, and in severe cases you might even be driven to purchase shutter shades.

How Should You Go About Actually Choosing Your Classes?

If you're the planning type (which you probably are since you're reading this article), you can map out your entire high school schedule early on in your freshman year.

Structure your schedule so that you end up taking courses that are relevant to your strengths as a student while also fulfilling core curricular requirements. Your school should have a course directory that you can look through for this purpose.

Leave some spots in your schedule open to more than one option in case your goals change as you progress through high school. For example, if you're interested in both AP Psychology and AP Government but only have room for one, you can give yourself the option to pick between them later on.

It's also smart to consult with your guidance counselor in the process of choosing which classes you'll take. If you have a specific college in mind, look at the application requirements to verify you'll fulfill them.

Since your guidance counselor will know how other students with certain course schedules fared in the college application process, they might be able to give you advice based on the experiences of past students who were admitted to the school that interests you.

Which High School Classes Do Ivy League Schools Require? (6)Talking to your guidance counselor can be helpful, but make sure they're always holding an official-looking folder. That's the only way you know you can trust them. Stock photos never lie.

What Else Should You Do If You Hope to Attend an Ivy League School?

Apart from your grades and course schedule, your standardized test scores will be important to Ivy League colleges.

You should score at least a 1500 on the SAT or 33 on the ACT for a solid chance at admission. Expectations might even be a bit higher depending on which Ivy League school you're targeting. While many the Ivy League schools are still test-optional for fall 2024 admissions, if you already have a high SAT/ACT test score, you should definitely still submit it.

If you want a good shot at attending one of these schools, especially the most selective Ivies, you'll also need to develop your application apart from test scores and grades.

If you can accomplish something during high school that goes above and beyond what most students have done, you'll stand out from the crowd. This could be anything from winning an artistic competition to designing an app to making a breakthrough scientific discovery.

These are just random suggestions, and everyone is different. But if you prove that you're passionate about something and capable of acting on that passion to produce something unique, you'll have a leg up on the competition.

For more details, read our comprehensive guide on how to get into an Ivy League school.

Which High School Classes Do Ivy League Schools Require? (7)Become one with the yellow flower.

What's Next?

If you're hoping to attend a very competitive college, you might be interested in learning more about class rank. Read this article to find out what a good class rank means for you.

Think you might be interested in branching out on your own academically in high school? Then get the scoop on how to take an independent study class.

If you've already completed a semester (or a few semesters) of high school, you can use the information in this article to calculate your current GPA and see how you measure up.

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Which High School Classes Do Ivy League Schools Require? (9)

Samantha Lindsay

About the Author

Samantha is a blog content writer for PrepScholar. Her goal is to help students adopt a less stressful view of standardized testing and other academic challenges through her articles. Samantha is also passionate about art and graduated with honors from Dartmouth College as a Studio Art major in 2014. In high school, she earned a 2400 on the SAT, 5's on all seven of her AP tests, and was named a National Merit Scholar.

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Which High School Classes Do Ivy League Schools Require? (2024)


Which High School Classes Do Ivy League Schools Require? ›

Most students who attend extremely selective schools have taken anywhere from 7 to 12 AP courses in high school, although there are exceptions to this rule. If a high school offers only a limited number of AP courses or none at all, colleges will not fault students for taking fewer of these classes.

Is 7 AP classes enough for the Ivy League? ›

Most students who attend extremely selective schools have taken anywhere from 7 to 12 AP courses in high school, although there are exceptions to this rule. If a high school offers only a limited number of AP courses or none at all, colleges will not fault students for taking fewer of these classes.

What high school classes does Harvard look for? ›

Harvard recommends that students should complete the following secondary coursework:
  • Four years of English with a strong writing component.
  • Four years of mathematics.
  • Four years of science, including biology, chemistry, physics, and an advanced course.
  • Three years of history, including European and U.S. history.

What classes to take in high school to get into Yale? ›

Does Yale require that applicants complete certain high school courses? No. There are no specific high school courses required for admission. There are also no specific high school courses required for applicants who express interest in any particular major.

Is 7 AP classes enough? ›

6–7 AP classes is plenty. Many people get admitted to UC with fewer than that. Instead of adding another AP course, look to make sure you have extracurriculars showing leadership and at least a couple teachers who know you well who can write you strong recommendations.

Is 4 APs too much senior year? ›

How many AP classes is too many? In general, college counselors recommend taking 5-8 AP courses. That said, there are lots of factors to consider when enrolling in AP classes, beyond the ones previously mentioned. The other biggest factor to consider is which AP classes your high school currently offers.

Is 3 AP classes too much junior year? ›

Junior Year

Depending on what kind of school you want to go to, you should be taking between 3 and 5 AP® classes this year. You will need to manage your time well, however, as you also need to study for the SAT® or ACT® during this time.

Can you get into Harvard with 2 B's? ›

Can I get into Harvard with 2 B's? Yes, it is possible to get into Harvard University with two B's on your transcript.

Can I get into an ivy with one B? ›

It's absolutely possible to be admitted to an Ivy League school with a few B's on your transcript. Admissions aren't solely based on your grades, they consider a holistic approach and evaluate multiple factors like extracurricular activities, leadership, essays, recommendation letters, and standardized test scores.

What extracurriculars does Harvard like? ›

Strong Extracurriculars

Extracurricular activities can consist of community service, athletics, music, theater, or any other passions and commitments that students pursue outside of school. High school students who get into Harvard tend to have leadership positions when applicable.

What is the lowest GPA Yale will accept? ›

Yale University does not have a strict minimum GPA requirement for undergraduate admissions. However, admitted students typically have very high GPAs, ranging from 3.8 to 4.0, with an average GPA of 3.9.

Does Yale prefer AP or IB? ›

The office maintained that, despite accepting more types of scores, it does not prefer one score type over another, and students who submit more scores will not be advantaged. Yale urged applicants against taking more tests to increase the number of scores that they include in their application.

Can I get into Yale with a 3.8 GPA? ›

You should also have a 4.14 GPA or higher. If your GPA is lower than this, you need to compensate with a higher SAT/ACT score. For a school as selective as Yale, you'll also need to impress them with the rest of your application.

Is 10 AP classes enough for the Ivy League? ›

How Many AP Classes Should You Take for Ivy Leagues and Other Top US Universities? For students aiming for the Ivy League and Top 20 schools in the United States, a good target is to take (and pass) 10-14 AP classes throughout your high school career — or 3-4 each year.

Is 2 AP classes too little? ›

Take as many as you can handle without spreading yourself thin, and make sure you will have time to study for the ACT or SAT this year. An Ivy League hopeful might take 3 to 5 AP classes, while if you're aiming for less-selective schools, 2 to 4 would be enough.

Is 17 AP classes too much? ›

17 AP classes/exams is well past the point where you should be looking to enhance other aspects of an application. Poor scores (3 or lower, 4 for some schools) on any of them will be a negative. Anyone can take a class.

How many AP classes do Ivy Leagues want? ›

How Many AP Classes Should You Take for Ivy Leagues and Other Top US Universities? For students aiming for the Ivy League and Top 20 schools in the United States, a good target is to take (and pass) 10-14 AP classes throughout your high school career — or 3-4 each year.

Is 7 AP classes enough for Stanford? ›

While there is no specific number of AP classes required for any college, including Stanford, it's important to challenge yourself academically and demonstrate that you can handle rigorous coursework.

How many AP classes does Harvard recommend? ›

Be cautious of overloading your schedule: Harvard would rather see a high GPA with 4 AP courses each year than a low GPA and a daunting 8 AP courses. Consider your AP, honors, and regular options carefully each semester based upon your own self-knowledge, schedule flexibility, and course offerings.

How many AP classes does Yale want? ›

Yale does not require students to take AP courses to get accepted by the school. However, if your school offers AP courses, you should take them instead of taking the easier versions of the classes.

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